
Prelims - the dawn of success

It was a pleasant spring evening of March 2019 when I latched on to the metallic rod inside the woman's compartment of the Blue Line Delhi Metro. I was returning from the New Delhi Station after waving goodbye to my mother on her short trip to our hometown Kolkata. Suddenly my gaze fell on a girl ( seated inside the metro)  who kept revising her notes  from an IAS Prelims test series. She was unpertubed by the hussle and bustle inside the train and got down at Mandi House station , with the booklet still in hand.  Yes , you guessed it right ...the season of prelims 2019 had approached. If the long and ardous journey of over an year  ( before the very first attempt) is like a tunnel, then the commencement of the prelims exam is like the first ray of hope at the end of the tunnel. Yes , I  have not finished the optional syllabus, yes I have not done enough answer writing , yes I  have not written a single essay in this time. Yet , the alarm bells of the opportunity to sit in the exam